Friday, August 24, 2007

Woe is me!

Okay....the same thing happened to me last year before the Yellow Daisy Festival (kinda). Last year Pinchlipsright before we were leaving for the festival, I decided I wanted to take some magazines with my designs in them. So I had to crawl on top of my desk to get them. I got them down and when I stepped to the floor, I turned over my ankle. So I hobbled around during the whole show!! Then, the other night I did something dumb. Too dumb to tell....but I did something to my ribs. I seriously thought they were cracked at first because it hurt just to breath! I am hoping they are just bruised and I'll be better in time for the show. (Hmmm....or maybe I will hobble around so I can get help setting up and carrying heavy boxes!! LOL!)

I was looking at the newest issue of Create & Decorate and saw my friend, Lisa's ad in there! Ain't "Pinch Lips" a hoot?? I lerrrrv the kitty cat!! ;)

Tonight another dern raccoon came snooping around my porch!! I forgot to put up the food before dark and he knocked it over and helped himself. I put it away and came back in. In a little while, I peeked out and he was out there. My husband laughed at me. He said he heard me say "Get outta here.......awwwwwwwwwww!!!" But he was cute--he had a little round face and small ears and he looked like a cat! I was kind of sad to run him off!!


  1. Denise, Love your witch and cat! Oh no, you didn't need this right now. Hope you don't have any broken ribs. I know how painful it can be, mine are still giving me problems after all this time. Just smile, there's not much else you can do with injured ribs. :) zoe

  2. Hey, Zoe...that's actually Lisa's witch and cat (Skunk Hollow Country Store). She's pretty cool, huh? I've been taking it easy and my ribs are starting to feel a little better!!
