I guess this is kind of like my "family photo album"! These are all my kitties and how they came to live with me. ALL of my kitties have been fixed.....if they come to be at my house, they are fixed and it has really cut down on the stray kitties on my street and they are all healthy. If you wonder how I afforded to get 11 kitties fixed, email me! (There have been more that have been fixed--some were feral or went to another home.) I will give you some ideas or tips on getting help!
I was looking for a companion for Mr. Spock and planned to get a solid white kitty....but one look at Strawberry and I fell in love! He was with his littermates under a barn and, of course, was the cutest one of them all. I sat on the ground and patiently used a string to get him to come out. That trick still works on him today
She & her brother, Dill, were dropped off on our street and I took them in. Dill is very friendly & outgoing & she is the shy one, doesn't have anything to do with anyone but me & my husband. (She let my sister brush her ONCE!) But when it is just us, she is the most loving cat. She loves to be petted and brushed
This is Dill....he & his sister, Sissy, were dropped off here & I adopted them. Dill was even "catnapped" once. He disappeared for several months when he was a kitten. Then one day he re-appeared! A neighbor's family had "kitty-napped" him and when they came to visit, he got away and ran under the house where we were working and has been here ever since!
Just appeared at my house one day, but wouldn't let you pet him. Eventually he started staying in an empty house on the street that is very close. I could always see him from my kitchen window sleeping in the driveway. He started staying more & more & decided he would just stay here! And he definitely loves to be petted....a few years after he'd been living outside, he disappeared for a few weeks. He came back skinny, missing hair and with a bladder infection. It took a while to get him straightened out. We found out he has stomatits, so he has had to have a lot of teeth pulled. He has IBS and is allergic to certain foods, so he is on a strict diet and medications now and doing well. He has to stay indoors, so now he is my "studio cat"! He now eats a raw diet and is off all meds. Yay for Rusty!

Hadley showed up in a neighbors yard in the spring of 2010. I got her to return her to where I was pretty sure she belonged. He wouldn't even answer his door and as I was walking home with her in the drizzling rain, she kept looking up at me and I knew I would probably end up keeping her! She lives in the house with us now....she's such fun and has really perked up the older kitties!
I thought Poncho was a feral cat, he was so scared when he first came. But once he finally decided to become my friend, he is so loving. He was extremely skinny and has a cold I thought I'd never get rid of. After about 3 rounds of antibiotics, he finally got rid of his cold and started to put on weight.
CJ used to hang around in the yard behind my studio. I never knew if he had an owner or not, so I left him food at the back of my yard since he was a little skinny. He kept coming closer & closer until he ended up on my front porch, where he stays most of the day, every day! He looks a lot different than when he first came--bigger, fatter and a lot more hair!
Luke had been hanging around a while before I finally caught him and had him fixed. Now he's a big fat baby that doesn't stray too far from the front yard!!

My husband was working at someone's house and this kitty got into his van and stole his biscuit! (That's how he got the name "Bilbo!") The lady didn't want him, he was skinny & having to share food with another dog and not getting his fair share, so my husband brought him home. He got into a trap about a week after we got him and had to have his front leg amputated, but he doesn't know the difference! In his later years, we found out he had an enlarged heart. We treated him for it and he did well
for several years. We lost him in February 2012. We miss him, but it helps to know what a happy cat he was.
Sadly, we had to have him put to sleep in 2009. He had a blood clot along with other problems that came on suddenly. I will always miss my big fat Sweet Pea!
I met Mr. Spock when I was working in a nursing home and a girl brought in this long, lanky black cat to give to someone. I told her handsome he was...and she had a whole litter of black cats! (His momma was siamese!) So the next day she brought him in to me....he wasn't very tame & it took a while before he wanted to be petted, but then he couldn't get enough! When he was about 14, we found out he had kidney disease. We lost him a couple of weeks before Christmas in 2012. He was 17 and we feel honored we had him for so many years, but we sure do miss him!
Dusty's Arrival Story:
She just came running behind my husband's van when he came home one day. She ran into our yard to be petted and just stayed. (And had a litter of kittens before I got her fixed!) She's mom to B.B. & Elvis!
She just came running behind my husband's van when he came home one day. She ran into our yard to be petted and just stayed. (And had a litter of kittens before I got her fixed!) She's mom to B.B. & Elvis!
Dusty has been missing since 2010. We don't know if someone picked her up or what since we were never able to find her. I just hope someone is taking good care of her!
Elvis died in 2010...we never knew why and that is hard. I miss him a lot!!
B.B. is the daughter of Dusty....I gave 2 away, but just couldn't part with her & Elvis!
BB has been missing since 06/21/06! We miss her so much! I am still hopeful that she'll come trotting across the yard one morning, meowing along the way like she always did.
This is another cat that "just appeared" at my house one day. She was skinny & pregnant when I first saw her. She brought 3 kittens here to eat, but I was never able to pet them and they disappeared before I got them fixed. Cricket has been fixed and when they did the surgery she had a really bad bladder infection. She was in the hospital for 12 days before she got to go home. She has gained a lot of weight and barely looked like the same cat!! In 2012, we found out she had leukemia. We decided not to have chemo or any harsh treatments, just tried to keep her comfortable. She seemed happy and content until her last day. It took a while to get used to not hearing her funny little meow every time I opened the door.
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