When I was about 6 or 7 I took art lessons for a week. I barely remember the lessons, only the tissue paper project we did on the first day. (I was disappointed....I thought we were going to draw!!) But what I remember most was the old cabin where I took the lessons. It must have been around the time that Little House on the Prairie was coming on because I remember going in the bedroom upstairs and thinking it reminded me of somewhere Laura Ingalls would live. I have thought about that cabin a lot and I always look for it.....have been on the lookout for it for years. I was pretty sure I remembered what road it was on and I always looked for the cabin when we drove on that road, but I could never find it. Just the other day, we went to the Heritage Center to walk around and look at the old cabins (and visit the resident cat). We go there all the time, at least once a week, sometimes more than that. I was looking at one of the cabins and I said "this kind of looks like the cabin I took art lessons in." But it didn't look just like it....I looked to my left and there is a cabin over there that we never really go to (I'm not sure why we've never been over there!) I said, "That one really looks just like the one I took art lessons in." I walked over to sit on the porch and there was a sign that said "Joan Harbin's Art Cabin" over the door! Just to be sure, I called Momma to see who the teacher was....at it was Joan Harbin. So the cabin I have been looking for all this time was moved to the Heritage Center just a few miles from my house. It has been under my nose the whole time!! Now I have to go there when the cabin is open so I can see inside....and of course take some pictures!
I have finished some new designs and will have the patterns for them listed some time this week. Here's a sneak peek!!
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