Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Doll Contest!!

Whenpigsflyb I just had a great idea tonight.....a contest! Now through Sept. 30, send me a photo of your favorite doll you have made from one of my patterns. (One entry per person) After Sept. 30, I will open the page to votes to see which is the favorite. The winner will receive a $20 credit to use towards any patterns on my site!! I love seeing what people have made from my patterns, so this should be fun!! You can click on the doll challenge banner or click here to read all the rules. Feel free to post this banner and link on your blogs or sites too. The more entries we get, the more fun it will be!! These flyin' pigs will be available by tomorrow on my website.....get busy creating!! :)


Monday, August 27, 2007

Scary Witches!!

3witches I had to have a break from getting ready for my show, so I painted a few Halloween paintings tonight! I did these 3 witches.....I hope they're not too scary! Actually, they look a little sad.....It was nice to get some painting done though. Its been too long! Maybe these girls would look good as dolls too.

This morning, around 5, I decided to go have a look at the lunar eclipse. I went out in the yard barefooted and it was really neat seeing the eclipse, no one else around, a little fog on the ground. But then when I tried to come back in the house, the door had locked behind me!! I had to peck on the bedroom window to wake my husband to let me in. I fed the kitties while I was out there, thinking the raccoons wouldn't come around since its so close to daylight. After I got inside, my husband decided to go see the eclipse. He tried looking from the back yard, but we had to walk to the front and I could smell a skunk and it got stronger towards the front of the house. I was so nervous we would run into one on the way, but I guess it ran the other way. I did not want to have to get rid of skunk smell at 5 in the morning!! ha! (I'll bet y'all thought I was going to say I got sprayed....that would have been a more interesting story!!)

Vampirebunny_2 In case my witches were a little creepy....I have the vampire bunny. He's not too scary! Lisa has been on this Halloween joke-tellin' kick...She told this one: "What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack? ...Count Duckula." I thought it would be cool to paint a Count Duckula....I couldn't do it. Instead I painted a vampire bunny!! ;) Actually, I couldn't remember the joke. I drew out my bunny and started to paint him and couldn't remember how the joke went. I went back to read the joke and it was about a duck, not a rabbit, and he already had ears!! ha!

I've had my excitement for the night between the lunar eclipse, being locked out of the house and almost having a run in with a skunk, so I better go to bed now!! Sweet Pea and Pumpkin are playing chase now, so they will probably have me up for the rest of the day!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August_174 Pumpkin & I just wanted to share a little smile with you this morning!! :) Not much going on around here, just a happy, lazy day!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Woe is me!

Okay....the same thing happened to me last year before the Yellow Daisy Festival (kinda). Last year Pinchlipsright before we were leaving for the festival, I decided I wanted to take some magazines with my designs in them. So I had to crawl on top of my desk to get them. I got them down and when I stepped to the floor, I turned over my ankle. So I hobbled around during the whole show!! Then, the other night I did something dumb. Too dumb to tell....but I did something to my ribs. I seriously thought they were cracked at first because it hurt just to breath! I am hoping they are just bruised and I'll be better in time for the show. (Hmmm....or maybe I will hobble around so I can get help setting up and carrying heavy boxes!! LOL!)

I was looking at the newest issue of Create & Decorate and saw my friend, Lisa's ad in there! Ain't "Pinch Lips" a hoot?? I lerrrrv the kitty cat!! ;)

Tonight another dern raccoon came snooping around my porch!! I forgot to put up the food before dark and he knocked it over and helped himself. I put it away and came back in. In a little while, I peeked out and he was out there. My husband laughed at me. He said he heard me say "Get outta here.......awwwwwwwwwww!!!" But he was cute--he had a little round face and small ears and he looked like a cat! I was kind of sad to run him off!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fresh Blueberry Cake

I came in to work today and my Daddy had gotten a recipe for a Fresh Blueberry Cake. That sounds delicious!! I am on a diet and won't be trying this any time soon, but I'm sharing the recipe with you.  After you make it, let me know what I'm missing...Blueberrycake.

Fresh Blueberry Cake

  • 1 Pint Blueberries, washed & dried

  • 1/4 pound butter

  • 2 c. sugar

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 c. milk

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • Pinch salt

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Cream butter, sugar & eggs. Stir in milk. Sift dry ingredients together and add to mixture. Add vanilla extract, then fold in blueberries. Bake in tube pan for 1 hour at 350 degrees.


  • 3/4 c. powdered sugar (sifted)

  • 1 Tbs water (melted)

  • 1 Tbs water

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Art Cabin

Artcabin1 When I was about 6 or 7 I took art lessons for a week. I barely remember the lessons, only the tissue paper project we did on the first day. (I was disappointed....I thought we were going to draw!!) But what I remember most was the old cabin where I took the lessons. It must have been around the time that Little House on the Prairie was coming on because I remember going in the bedroom upstairs and thinking it reminded me of somewhere Laura Ingalls would live. I have thought about that cabin a lot and I always look for it.....have been on the lookout for it for years. I was pretty sure I remembered what road it was on and I always looked for the cabin when we drove on that road, but I could never find it.Artcabin2  Just the other day, we went to the Heritage Center to walk around and look at the old cabins (and visit the resident cat). We go there all the time, at least once a week, sometimes more than that. I was looking at one of the cabins and I said "this kind of looks like the cabin I took art lessons in." But it didn't look just like it....I looked to my left and there is a cabin over there that we never really go to (I'm not sure why we've never been over there!) I said, "That one really looks just like the one I took art lessons in." I walked over to sit on the porch and there was a sign that said "Joan Harbin's Art Cabin" over the door! Just to be sure, I called Momma to see who the teacher was....at it was Joan Harbin. So the cabin I have been looking for all this time was moved to the Heritage Center just a few miles from my house. It has been under my nose the whole time!! Now I have to go there when the cabin is open so I can see inside....and of course take some pictures!

I have finished some new designs and will have the patterns for them listed some time this week. Here's a sneak peek!!

Grinningsnowmanb_2  Mysockmonkeyandmeb


The infamous acrylic Cat....

Plasticanimals Okay....this has to be quick because I have a birthday party to go to. (I am meeting my husband at 1:00 and he thinks I will be late. So that means I MUST be on time!!)

Here are the plastic animals I collected. Suz found a picture of some!! I was so happy to see them....I had forgotten about the swan! And my dog was blue, my cat was pink. Later they had them in the machines at the front....miniature versions of them. Now, THAT made me happy! I always loved anything miniature, but that is another story.....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Challenge for you....

May23_063_2 Just another lazy day around here....seems like I spent most of the day thinking about stuff I need to do!! haha! Surely I am the only one who does that! I just found out today that my husband's family is having a family reunion tomorrow! So I had to run to wal-mart to buy a tub of Tater Salad to dump in a bowl. I just don't have time to make anything before tomorrow! Besides that, tomorrow we are having a birthday party for my Daddy, 2 sisters and a friend. I forgot to get bags & bows for their gifts, so I had to get that too. The package is almost as important as what is inside to me. (That is, when I am doing the giving....when I'm receiving, it doesn't really matter so much to me.)

1 Two of my sisters' birthdays are in August, 6 days apart. Lisa's birthday is August 19 and she will be the same age as Ranee' for 6 days. Ranee used to get so mad about that!! lol!! It may be the other way around now. I'm the oldest, so I don't give anyone a hard time about their age! So here we are at the fair....that's me all bundled up...check out those pants!! I guess you can tell this was made in the 70's. I remember winning those necklaces and thinking how pretty they were! Check out Ranee's coat (in the back on the right)....Momma made that for her. I got mine at Woolworths!!

Speaking of Woolworths, I have 2 fond memories of that store! One time we went there and Momma told us if we ever got lost, just find the security guard and tell him. I had to try it out. So I hid on a bottom shelf until my family was out of site, then found myself a security guard. The best part is, he asked what my Momma looked like and I told her she had RED AND WHITE HAIR!! ha! She had lightened her hair and rinsed it with water from our well....the water was rusty and stained her hair. I think she was pretty embarassed when I told her what I had told the security guard!! And every time I think of Woolworth's, I think of the time I got to go with my Momma, just the two of us. I bought a Leif Garret 45 ("I was Made for Dancin") and some Sea Monkeys! What a lucky girl, huh? I also used to love to buy those big fat yarn ties for your pigtails there...and those clear plastic figures that kind of sorta looked like glass. Remember those? I had them all, even the tree with birds in it! If anyone knows what they are called or can find a picture of one, I would love to post it here!! As a matter of fact, let's make this a challenge! The first person who can find a picture of one of these things and posts a comment with the photo, I will send you a FREE epattern of your choice from my website! I remember these things were like a clear acrylic. I know I had dogs, cats and the tree & birds. So start searching the internet and be the first to send a picture! Comment with a link to the photo and I'll email you to find out what pattern you want!

One last Woolworth's memory....is not such a good one. I got CHOKED on a jawbreaker from the machine once and my Daddy turned me upside down by the feet!! I was SOOOO embarassed!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Flock of Angels!

August_126_2 We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. – Anais Nin

I read this quote last night and I knew I had to share! How true it is....I made these angels you see in the pictures. They didn't have wings yet, but they were still angels. I asked my husband what he thought about them....he said he didn't really know what they were! lol! I couldn't believe he didn't know they were angels (even though they didn't have wings) and, of course, they were ornaments! But I aleady knew that we see things differently!! I did a whole bunch of them (a flock), but the group picture didn't turn out so good....I am packing things up as soon as I finish them, so I don't have much time for pictures. But I should have LOTS after my show!

Maters_2 It has still been SOOOO hot here! But I hear THUNDER as I am sitting here typing. I would be so happy to see some rain! So would my tomatoes. Have I told you, tomatoes are one of my favorite things about summer? I could eat a tomato sandwich every day in the summer....probably twice a day. If you have never had a tomato biscuit, you should try one! Make some homemade buttermilk biscuits and cut one open. Spread a little mayonnaise on each side. Put in a fresh sliced tomato and salt. (Important--only use fresh tomatoes!!!) It will be the best breakfast you have ever had!!! We planted plenty of tomatoes, my Daddy sends them to me and two of my neighbors send them to me too....so we have plenty for sandwiches, soups, salsa....yum!

August_123 I will have some new patterns on my site soon....I'll bet some people had given up on a new pattern. lol! This jack-o-lantern make-do on the left will be one of them! 

And last but not least.....a cute kitty picture! (Strawberry)


– Anais Nin

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yellow Daisy Festival....almost here!

Sweetpeanov20061 I am gearing up for my next show....just a few weeks away! My plan is to finish whatever dolls I can, then spend the rest of the time relaxing like Sweet Pea! ha ha! Seriously, there is plenty to do after I get my dolls done. The last show I went to, I stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG finishing some last minute projects. Then drove to Birmingham, set up my display, then there were tornadoes so I was locked in the building until that night!! I could have laid in the floor and slept, I was so tired! So I will not do that this time.....and I promise to share lots of pictures when I get back from the show!

Pumpkinmarch20078 I was talking to a friend about my kitties and trying to paint with them around. Any of you that have cats will know what I mean....they are so curious, they are bound to get into trouble! I told her I would share some stories about it, so here goes. One of the last things that happened was not too long ago....I had been painting and took a break. When I came back to my studio, Pumpkin was lying in the floor and I noticed his paw was red. I panicked, thinking he had blood on his paw and between his toes. I checked and couldn't find a cut, squeezed his paw to see if it hurt (I think he enjoyed that!) Then I finally saw red paw prints across my desk and in the seat of my chair. Mystery solved!! I wanted to tell you that the picture here of Pumpkin was of him laughing at me after that joke he pulled on me....but it wasn't. It goes with the story though!!

Once I was painting my bathroom midnight blue....nice, clean, white Sweet Pea kept wanting to watch. He was being so good, I let him sit on the sink while I painted. When I turned my back, he stepped all in the blue paint, walked across the floor, the tub and jumped in the window sill!! So I just painted everything in there blue, including the trims and window will!! And Sweet Pea was stained blue....the prettiest shade he ever got into was lime green....it stained his fur the color of Kermit the frog!! lol! It was mostly on his paws, so no big deal, but it was pretty. This is why I only use non-toxic acrylic paints--I know the kitties will get into it and lick it off their paws!

July4_011 Have I told you about my Momma's new puppy? I can't believe I haven't posted pictures of this little cutie pie yet! His Momma was dropped off at their house--she looked like an Australian Shepherd, but we don't know for sure. The momma dog had one puppy and she died while he was still nursing. So they bottle fed him until he could eat and he is SO SPOILED!! He loved his bottle, so we gave him a pacifier. That didn't work long because he figured out he couldn't get anything out of it!! He is a little older now and he likes to play rough....he is the cutest puppy in the world and I just had to show off his pictures. I think he should be a doggie model!!

July4_017  July4_018


This is my nephew with "Shadow".....my nephew is faking being asleep, but Shadow is asleep for real!! 

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nice Matters!

Nice25252bmatters25252b2_3 I was surprised to get an email from Sam at Gollywobbles last night with a "Nice Matters Award!" I was so flattered by the things she said about me. Thanks, Sam! So now I am supposed to choose 5-7 people who I think deserve it.

1. Helena Chutjian of  Snowpond Primitives. We met each other over the internet several years ago and have become really good friends. We have never met in person, but I feel like I have known her forever! And besides being nice, she makes the coolest carved Santas!

2. Fran Hawkins of Stardust Wishes. Fran is one of my kitty friends! We always have plenty to discuss about our cats and what they have been up to. And when we do a swap, she always thinks of sending  snacks for my cats of if someone has kids, she remembers to include them. How sweet of her! I have several things she has made...my favorite are some felt Halloween bags!!

3. Carol Gefre of Prairie Creek Primitives is another kitty friend....we talk & talk about cats & creating and gardening. We never run out of things to say to each other! And I am always amazed at how much she accomplishes--with a shop and creating! I must say, she has some yummy smelling soaps!

4. Zoe Hebert of Cajun Primitives--always nice, always encouraging.....we've known each other a while and I always enjoy talking  with her. I think one of my favorite patterns is a Raggedy Ann that she designed (with fingers!)

5. Michelle Schafer at The Studio at Crow Haven Farms--we have recently gotten to know each other through working on some graphics and we seem to have so much in common! Especially when it comes to music....we just did some new graphics for tags, etc. for her business and she is pretty free with the compliments on them. I love it!

6. Lisa Johnson at Skunk Hollow Country Store --always nice, always fun to talk to and she is always trying to help others....

7. Ellen Irving of Raggedy Cats--even though she threatens to come get Sweet Pea, its all in fun and we have a good time joking about it. And she has sent me & my niece some really cool scarves!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Animal Rescuer

My good friend, Fran sent me this poem today....it brought tears to my eyes! (The cute picture is Sweet Pea when he was just a baby...isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen????)

I Am An Animal Rescuer

Cid_004c01c796622044ce100202a8c0oemMy job is to assist God's creatures
I was born with the need to fulfil their needs
I take in new family members without plan, thought or selection
I have bought cat food with my last dime
I have patted a mangy head with a bare hand
I have hugged someone vicious and afraid
I have fallen in love a thousand times
and I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body

I have Animal Friends and friends who have Animal Friends
I don't often use the word "pet"
I notice those lost at the road side
And my heart aches
I will hand raise a field mouse
And make friends with a vulture
I know of no creature unworthy of my time

I want to live forever if there aren't animals in Heaven
But I believe there are!
Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind?
We may be master of the animals,
But the animals have mastered themselves
Something people still haven't learned

War and abuse make me hurt for the world
But a rescue that makes the news gives me hope for humankind
We are a quiet but determined army
And making a difference every day

There is nothing more necessary than warming an orphan
Nothing more rewarding than saving a life
No higher recognition than watching them thrive
There is no greater joy than seeing a baby play
who only days ago, was too weak to eat

I am an Animal Rescuer
My work is never done
My home is never quiet
My wallet is always empty
But my heart is always full
In the game of life, I have already won!

~ Annette King Tucker ~

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Raggedy Ann Witch on ebay....

August_088 I'm finally back on ebay....haven't listed for a while! This doll was one of my favorites last year.....I kept her hanging in my living room all year long. I sold these size/style dolls for $120-$140 at my shows and sold several. (Although there was only one Raggedy witch!) So this one is a bargain....starting at $40 or buy it now for $100! Click here to view the auction and bid!

It has been SO hot here! At 8:30 this morning, it was already 88 degrees outside and it is supposed to reach 100 today. Even with the air conditioner running, it still feels hot in this house! I am trying to work on painting dolls and the kitchen is hot....so I have to paint a while, then go stand in front of the a/c for a while. A good thing about the heat...my dolls dry in a hurry! At least I don't have to dry them around the fireplace. When I first started painting my dolls, I sat in front of the fireplace and painted, then sat them around the fireplace any place I could fit them. I had some hands drying and one fell in the fireplace and blazed!! I can't remember how I got it out, but I still used it. Just gave her some character! Once I caught a fabric crow on fire too! That hasn't been that long ago. I was baking some to dry and I guess one fell off the cookie sheet. I was cooking dinner and when I opened the oven smoke rolled out and something was burning on the bottom of the over.....my poor little crow. lol! So sad for my husband....some days he thinks I am cooking something delicious to eat, but he checks the oven and its just dolls. lol!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Tip Jar problems....

Looks like we are back in business!

What's the tip jar for?

What's the tip jar for, you ask? Besides creating & designing, my other "job" is taking care of all these kitties! I have kind of made it my mission to take care of the kitties on my street that need it. I have gotten all the strays fixed and release them back here. Most of them stay, some just come back to eat once in a while. I now have 11 that live with me (some inside, some outside) and it takes a lot of time and money to feed them all and make sure they are healthy. So any little bit you want to share will be greatly appreciate by me and all the kitties here! Check out the kitties section over there on the left to see some pictures of my kitties. Some aren't around enough to get pictures, but I posted all 11 that hang around. My neighbors are always commenting on how "pretty and clean" all my cats are, so they are well taken care of! I am trying to count and if I haven't left any out, I have gotten 18 cats fixed. But it feels like I have forgotten to count some of them....

I really appreciate Dr. Garner and her staff at Critter Care/Kayleigh's Haven. They have a TNR program that has helped out a lot and they answer questions and give me tips on a weekly basis!

Surprise! 2 new designs in Create & Decorate!

I got a nice surprise today! I got my issue of Create & Decorate in the mail and was flipping through the Halloweenset_3 pages....got to page 10 and there were my little twin kitties and Halloween sitchery! I didn't even know there were going to be there....so that was a nice surprise for me! If you haven't checked out their magazine....go get one now! I love it....it is just full of patterns. Truly, I wanted to make almost everything in every issue. I never get the time, but I always WANT to! If you don't get to pick up this issue of Create & Decorate, you can still go to my website to order these patterns. For the cats, click here or go to my website, www.thecatspyjamaspatterns.com and you will see the links on the home page. For the stitchery, watch here for the free pattern!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Is it ever hot here!!

It has been close to 100 all week...and supposed to be hotter next week! And my air conditioning is out on my truck!! Lucky for me I don't go anywhere much. ha ha! My poor flowers are wilting. I did snap some pictures of some zinnias that came back from last year. I didn't do much in my garden this year and it shows.



August_069I cut some of the zinnias to bring inside and the kitties all had to take time to smell the....zinnias, of course!

August_013_3 August_009 August_014

So today, I got about 15 doll dresses cut out and 3 dolls are dressed and only need hair! Where does the time go? I thought I would have all the dresses ready and on the dolls by tonight. Now its 7:35 and its almost time to quit!! I am TRYING to get myself on a normal schedule--get up at 7, workout, etc. and be ready to work by 9 am, then quit around 5. I haven't had that schedule in so long, it is hard. But I have some things coming up and I need to have a set schedule. I am dying to post what's going on....but I don't like to "count my chickens before the hatch"!!! SO.....pretty soon I am sharing my good news (I hope).

Oh, and those of you who asked about Pumpkin, he is just fine. He went to the vet and just sat there under a chair looking pretty! He would barely walk and when he did, he was fine. I felt like a fool because they couldn't see anything .... said maybe his foot was asleep. My husband saw him doing the same thing that night so I am not crazy!! My sister asked about him and my Momma told her "Pumpkin is fine, but they sent Denise to a psychiatrist." LOL...very funny, Momma!


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pay it Forward (and other stuff)

Yesterday I was just browsing around on the internet, like I had nothing better to do. ha! I ran across Missy's blog and found a link to her Pay it Forward swap thingy....darn it, I was too late to get in on that one, but I'm starting my on. Here's how it goes....

I promise to send the first 3 people that comment on this post a small gift within the next year.  And in return, they post a pay it forward swap on their blogs!

What fun!

Oldphoto_032 I got up this morning, ready to get to work. But noticed Pumpkin must have injured his foot in the night--noticed he had trouble getting up, but I thought maybe he was just stretching, but he's walking instead of running around like a maniac and his foot tries to slide out from under him. So I have to take him to the vet this afternoon....poor baby!! Had to share a cute picture of him......Now, I normally don't dress up my kitties, but I found this little knit cap and I just couldn't resist putting it on him. He actually didn't mind it too much! He's a pretty laid back kind of kitty anyway. Oh, and its been one year since we rescued him! I still think about it every time I drive by the briar patch where we found him. I wonder if he remembers????

Today....I have whole piles of dolls all over my kitchen! I'm concentrating on a bunch of raggedy ann dolls for today. My husband found this huge old apple basket, so I'm trying to make enough raggedies to fill up the basket. I am just realizing it is HUGE and it will take a lot! My next show is The Yellow Daisy Festival and its only about a month away!! I guess that means I better GET BUSY!!

Coon Okay, last night I did something I knew I shouldn't do....we have a problem with raccoons because I sometimes forget to bring the cat food in from outside. I tried buying bins with lids and that "lock", but they are too smart for that. They drag them off and open them, then clean them out! So last night, I went out to put my food up and there was a kind of small raccoon on my porch. The cats were hungry, so I put them a little food out and waited on the porch to keep the racoon from eating their food. Well, it wasn't long before he was back, trying to eat the food off the porch. He got too close and it scared me, so I shook the bag at him. He just ran under my truck, but would come right back. He was so darn cute, I threw him some food and he was just grabbing it up as I threw it. He got pretty brave and shaking the bag wouldnt' scare him off and he Coon2 eventually went under my truck and wouldn't leave. I am afraid he will be hanging around for a while! We one had a momma with about 4 or  5 babies that used to come. That was BAD! I have too many cats, I can't afford to feed all raccoons too! I did see a girl walking down the road a few weeks ago with a BABY RACOON in her back pack! He was so cute and tiny, I had to stop and ask her about him. She said they were remodeling a house and he fell out of the ceiling --she raised him and now he goes everywhere she goes. If a car hadn't pulled up behind me, I would have talked longer Now I wish I had asked to take some pictures of him. For a couple of weeks I was halfway wishing I would find a baby I could raise. ha ha! I'm over it now though....I raised one kitten on a bottle from 1 day old and that was a lot of work. Definitely worth it and I would do it again if I HAD to!

Okay...waiting to hear from the first 3 bloggers so I can "pay it forward"!!!