Sunday, October 6, 2013

The EASIEST Baked pumpkin

I was SO excited when I learned this need to cut open a pumpkin & get out all the seeds before baking! I just put a pie pumpkin in the oven and bake at about 350. I'm not sure how long, maybe an hour, but it will turn a dark orange like the photos when it's done and if you touch it, it will feel soft underneath the skin. Whatever you do, don't skip this sure to let it cool before trying to cut it open! I tried right out of the oven once and it exploded. It went all over me (ouch), the walls, all over the floor. It was a huge mess.I lined my pan with aluminum foil too in case any leaks out. When it's done and COOL, you can scoop it out, mash it and use it in any recipe that calls for canned pumpkin. My favorite is to put a little butter, brown sugar and toasted walnuts on top with a pinch of salt, or sometimes just butter and salt. Pie pumpkins are my favorite pumpkins because they are a nice, round shape and they are cook to cook. I decorate with them, then bake them after Halloween. And if they are on sale, I pick up a few after Halloween.  They will last a good while in a cool place.

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