Thursday, October 17, 2013

Party Planning

Our annual Halloween party is this weekend...I said I wasn't going to plan one so I could concentrate on my studio, but I couldn't resist! I tried to keep it simple, but today I'm going to Momma's to pick out a place for our haunted hayride. It won't be anything elaborate or too scary since we have several little ones. Just a little spooky (think glowing eyes and ghosts). Then I'll spend tomorrow making my food and cat ears and paws for my costume. I'm pretty excited about it now!


I haven't written about my kitties in a while. I think it's because moved my office to my studio and my camera stays over here. I used to always have it at home and take lots of pics, but now I use my phone and post a lot on instagram. all the kitties are doing well right now. I don't think I blogged about it, but we lost Mr. Spock earlier this year. He was 17 and we've had him with us most of his life, so it is hard to get used to not having him around. Now Strawberry is close to his age. He has all but 4 of his teeth pulled (not all at once..) and just recently he lost one (and I found it!!). So now he only has 3 teeth! Besides that he seems to be well and spends most of his time in my lap whenever I'm home. We have 3 others in the house. Sissy, Pumpkin (in the photo) and Hadley. Rusty is still in my studio and there are SEVEN that live outside. Luckily none have shown up to stay since we got Hadley a few years ago. There have been some that I took to the animal rescue and they found new homes. There were 2 stray tom cats that I wanted to get fixed, but I guess they moved on before I caught them. I even had the live trap out ready to catch them, but they haven't been back. Studio is so close to being ready to open. I have a few little things to get done outside and I've got my flower beds starting to get full. Mostly I need to get my stuff put away inside. It will be such a relief to finally be done. But that won't last long...we have to get back to remodeling our home after this is done!



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