Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back out of Hiding...

Frasier2 Yep, I'm back! Its been a while--its easy for me to get side-tracked and forget to blog sometimes! I've been busy canning, working on graphics, new patterns, etc. Then I had to get sick in between and had to lie around for about a week. I guess it wasn't so bad--got a lot of reading done! I'll be filling you in on what I've done this week, but wanted to be SURE I got a kitty picture on here for you to enjoy! This is Frasier....some of you might remember that he came here a little over a year ago. He was a rescue from a shelter and we were all sure he was feral, but he has surprised us all and he's just a big baby. His new favorite sleeping spot is the empty birdbath next to my studio. I guess he likes it because he gets a belly rub every time I walk to and  from my studio! ;)

Frasier in the Birdbath Frasier

1 comment:

  1. Hi, That is the CUTEST picture! I have to show Hope and Michael they will love it.
