Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gandhi & Mr. Spock

Gandhi2 This is the "skinny kitty" I took to the shelter a few months ago. He has put on weight and looks like a different cat. His FUR is even a different color now! I'm considering bringing him home to see how he gets along with Rusty in my studio. He is healthy now but he's still waiting to be adopted and I hate the thought of him having to stay in that cage all day. So as soon as I have some free time I'm going to bring him home and see how he & Rusty get along. Notice his extra toes on his front paws!! Oh, I almost forgot...his name is Gandhi! The vet named him that because he was so skinny!

Spock  I took Mr. Spock to the vet last week and found out he is probably in the early stages of renal failure. He is on medication and a special diet and is supposed to stay the day at the vet's office next month. He's my oldest kitty--we got him not long after my husband and I started dating! He's about 14 years old and has always been healthy, other than being overweight. At one time he weighed 18.5 lbs! Now he's down to 14 but he's still a big boy. I'm keeping a close eye on him and enjoying my time with him. He's been a part of my life for so long!!


  1. what beautiful kittys...I love the "mittens" on Ghandi and your Mr. Spock reminds me of my Bear that I lost 6 years ago to cancer...I just love black kittys...enjoy those babys all you can...:)

  2. Awwww- sweet kitty's. The Create n Decorate magazine FINALLY came out today! I hunted it down because I KNEW your pattern would be in there. I bought the magazine just for that reason! I HAD to get that Annie! Thanks so much! I can't wait to give it a try! But have lots of sewing projects on my plate right now!
    Hope Ghandi gets along with Rusty *crosses fingers*. Hope you have a great week!
    Happy Fairy Day!! :O)

  3. Hey~
    So sorry to hear about Mr. Spock. I have heard of cats living many years with that though.
    That's a cute new kitty, I think you should bring him home too:)
    Miss chatting we need to catch up:)
