Last weekend I got a package in the mail...I didn't even remember what I ordered....Sweet Pea kept grabbing at it, rubbing his head on it, then I remembered. You guessed it--CATNIP! They all had a good time with it. Pumpkin rolled and rolled in it until his pretty white fur had catpnip all in it!
I had to have a scarecrow in my garden--of course! This one was so easy to make! I used the corner post for our trellis, put the overalls over it, tied a few sticks around the top for his arms and let him borrow an old shirt. For the head I used one of those foam filled pumpkins (styrofoam type stuff) with the plastic coating. Luckily I already had one with a face painted on! I poked a hole in the bottom and scraped out some of the insides and pushed it onto the metal post. I tied some string in the hat to make a tie to tie under his head so the wind wouldn't blow it away. I was thinking it might be handy to stick some tools in his pockets, like a little shovel, string, scissors, etc. Stuff you sometimes need and are too lazy to go get! I guess he can be my garden helper! I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but I have some pumpkins planted around the bottom of the scarecrow--won't that look cool if some pumpkins actually grow there???
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