Monday, June 23, 2008

Animal Farm

Animalfarm Have you seen the new issue of Create and Decorate? My "animal farm" pattern is in this issue. Hurry and get a copy and make them. They are sooo easy. I thought they'd make cute & easy ornaments too, quick Christmas gifts. You know, its really a good time to start making your Christmas gifts now so you won't be stressed and making stuff on Christmas Eve (like I do).

Wheres_pumpkinI found this picture of reminds me of the "Where's Waldo" books...try to find Pumpkin in the picutre! lol! How in the heck did he even find his way up there, anyway???


  1. Hello!
    I stumbled upon your blog and am delighted. Although I am not a doll collecter I do adore cats and have 2 of my own.
    I love your creations.
    You are truly gifted.
    I hope you don't mind if I come back to visit again.
    Thanks again for letting me read your blog.

  2. Hi, Lois...I just spent some time at your blog and enjoyed reading! Thanks for the compliments...come by an read anytime!!

  3. Denise, the heck are you? Busy I see from your Blog! Congrats on the new issue of C&D...I always look forward to getting this magazine, so I can see what you have been up to in the Art World! Our little kittens are gone... I sue do miss them! They have been winged off Lucy and now she is getting ready for another litter! LOL Hope all is well and that everyone is healthy and happy and getting ready for the FALL!!! WhooooHOOOOOOO. Cheers
