Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Have you recovered from the holidays??

Jack & Bilbo 2
LOL! As much fun as the holidays are, it takes a lot out of you, doesn't it? It took me all weekend to get rested up!! Jackson stayed with me on Monday--you can see that he & Bilbo get along well! The other kitties pretty much stay out of the living room while he's here, but Bilbo will come in and visit with him sometimes. Jackson has a hard time saying Bilbo, so he just yells "Abo!" at the top of his lungs when he wants to see him. You can probably imagine Bilbo doesn't come running when he yells, but he does still come to see him when he feels like it. :)


Catnip Sookie We tried bringing in a pot of catnip this year to see if we could keep it growing through the winter. We set it outside when its warm, but Sookie discovered it pretty quickly! At least it made a cute picture!!


I'm trying to get caught up on work now that I've spent so much time away from the computer. Think I'll be listing some new patterns this week, so check my website at the end of the week and I'll post a picture & link here when they are on my site.


I'm excited that I have some gas logs on the way to go in my office. Its been cold here and I've been using a little electric heater so far. Those logs are going to get me & Rusty WARM!!! Besides that, they will look pretty too!



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