Monday, November 12, 2007

New patterns added!

I finally got some new patterns added today! Check my website for the first set of new patterns....I will put the newest patterns on the right in the featured section. Today I added a snowman pattern, Sock monkey, funky birthday girl...and more! Here is a sneak peek of the patterns I will be adding.....keep a watch on my site to grab them once they are added! They are all available as epatterns too!!

Patterns1 Patterns2 Patterns3 Patterns4 Patterns5

And I just had to share this video is hilarious! Check out all the cat toys in the floor too!!


  1. HA HA! That is Hilarious. I've watched it 3 times so far. When my cat wants to eat in the morning it does feel that way. Thank goodness he cannot pick up heavy objects.

  2. Sue...I know, its so funny. The artist has to have a cat because that is perfect! My kitty has a bad habit of knocking things in the floor when he wants attention!
