Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The new kitty

I let the new kitty stay inside last night because she was still a little wobbly from her surgery. She stayed in another room in a cage. I let her out first thing this morning. I set her down on the porch with some food hoping she would stick around, but she took off to the shed she had been living in. I am sure she will make her way over here when she feels better. I wish I had taken pictures of her to share....she is really pretty! The girls at the vet's office thought she looked like she had a little British Shorthair in her....I agree! I would love to find her a new home soon. If I don't find them a home within a couple of days, I get attached and have a hard time letting them leave. I have only ever given 2 cats away in my whole life!  haha!

Well, this is a short one today. Maybe there will be pictures of the new kitty soon....and maybe new dolls will be done soon too!!


  1. I love Denise but I want my kitty

  2. LOL....Ellen, you cannot have Sweet Pea! ;)

  3. Ellen....did you see the picture of Sweet Pea as a baby?
    You might want to read that poem is so touching!
