Sunday, April 24, 2011

Water loving kitty!

I've told people about this kitty loving the I have proof! Every time I water my plants, he comes running and chases the water. The other day I had a leak in my water hose and he LOVED it! I need to have a sprinkler system installed. I think he would LOVE it! I've had kitties that like the water, but never seen one enjoy it as much as he does!!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dolly parts...

 I've been cleaning and organizing my studio....found all thise little doll parts. Wonder what I can create with these? The bad thing is, seeing them all together just makes me want more!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Luke & my garden

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This is Luke...posing just a pretty as...well, a picture! ha! He looked so cute sitting out in the yard! He used to be such a skinny ol' kitty, now he's so fat. He still likes to play and you wouldn't think he'd run around like he does, so its pretty funny!

I've been working on my flower beds and vegetables in between all the rain! I have some tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, peas and beans started. I planted some asparagus too, but I'll be surprised if that works out! I planted 2 thornless blackberries and one is starting the grown. My fig tree I planted last year is growing and I have 2 blueberry bushes hanging on. Who knows, I might have a handful of fruit this year!! Enjoy some more pics of my kitties and my garden below!!

Peppermint and tomatoes

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Our little pond

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Purple irises

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Luke was looking so handsome, I got a few good ones of him!

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby stuff

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I finally got a chance to visit with my new great-nephew the other day. It was fun, but he SLEPT the whole time I was there! I hated to leave, but had to pick up those darn taxes from the accountant! I did get to hold him and give him kisses. Maybe next time he'll be awake, or I'll have more time to wait on him to wake up!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Poncho's story

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Poncho has a good story...he came here so scared and skinny and sickly. He's still "slim", but healthy and friendly. (That's why most of his pics are of him in my lap!) It was just last summer (I seems longer ago!) that he was hiding in the shed next door while we cooked out. He'd watch us from afar and I'd cook extra hot dogs so I could toss him a few treats. It didn't long for him to start hanging out with us, then ON us! It took a while to clear up his sniffles & ear mites, but he was well worth it!!


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Easter Patterns!

Funnybunny Looking for some last minute projects for Easter? Check out these Easter patterns on my website....

 Click HERE to see my Easter Patterns!

I hope you're having some nice spring weather! Its been pretty nice here, besides some thunderstorms. I have lots of flowers blooming and planted a few veggies. Can't wait to have my first vine ripe tomato of the season! My last project on my studio was putting up a wire fence to grown some vines on. I got that up and all my plants and seeds planted there. We tried to recycle as much as possible and did pretty well! All I had to buy was the wire. We had all the fence posts except 2 (they came with the property), someone gave us some they didn't need and we picked up the wooden posts on the side of the road. My next project is an arbor made from 2 metal gates that were here when we bought the property. I'll share pics as soon as I get all this done. I am STILL hoping to open in the fall. It looks like a lot of work still needs to be done, but my husband thinks it can be done by October. I hope so....can't wait to have my first visitors!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Senior pictures

My nephew is a senior this year so I did his senior portraits. I was pretty proud of how they turned out! I took some of the rest of his family too....I've had my eye on several of these places to take pics for a long time and we had lots of fun, or at least I did! I love how they turned out, but it helps when you have good looking models! I wanted to share a few of my favorites. I've even had a few requests to do other peoples' photos, which I would LOVE!! I guess with my new nephew, I have another cutie to photograph too...Enjoy my other pics!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Smart Kitty

I'm thinking Hadley is one smart little kitty! She learns fast and I've taught her to shake & "give me 5" I was wondering what other tricks I could teach her. Any suggestions? I know you're supposed to teach them things they are already good at. (She was always pawing at me and reaching for me, so that's why I taught her that trick.) Lately when you try to walk into a room, she runs in front of you and jumps straight up and grabs the door knob with both paws. She'll hang there a few seconds waiting on you to open the door. I'm not too sure I want to turn that into a trick though! LOL!! I'd love some suggestions...never really trained a kitty before!!