Lately I've been in a "drawing" mood! I love doing these drawings on paper, just black and white. I may add color later, or maybe not! I'm not sure what I'll do with them, but have had some t-shirt suggestions, which I thought was a great idea! We'll see...right now I'm just accumulating a big stack of drawings! haha!
Besides drawing, I've been dealing with some sick kitties too. Mr. Spock (my oldest kitty) is having inner ear problems again. Last Monday I got up to find him wobbly again and barely able to stand. I got him some antibiotics hoping to keep from taking him to the vet because he gets SO upset when I take him. After a few days, I didn't think he was better so I took him to the vet on Friday. He has kidney disease too and I was worried he wasn't getting up to drink enough. He was dehydrated so he got some fluids, a steroid shot and is on 2 different antibiotics. He's still unsteady but seems to be getting better. He is definitely eating and drinking more now with his steroid shot kicking in! It surely won't hurt him to put on a little weight. He had lost from 18.5 to 11 lbs the last time we weighed him. Its hard to see him so small since he has always been a big, healthy kitty until about the past year. He is 15, so I guess it is just something I have to deal with....he has been getting plenty of extra attention and I'm sure he's enjoying that! He goes for a checkup tomorrow and I'm hoping to get some good news that his ear drum is healing!