Hadley gave me a little scare this week. I had her spayed a little over a week ago and she had this huge knot pop up at her incision. I was afraid she had a hernia and would have to have surgery again. But I took her in yesterday and its just a "fluid pocket" and will go away. Whew! I didn't want her to have to go through surgery again now. She's still as hyper as ever!
Rusty had SEVEN teeth pulled last Monday! He has stomatitis and had already had 4 pulled a few months ago. The vet thought he'd have to have all pulled but his 2 bottom canines, but he didn't have to have that many pulled. He did have to have one canine pulled. I felt so bad for him, but he got over it in a hurry and got back to eating that same day. He weighs 17 lbs, so apparently not much hurts his appetite!
I am working on new dolls to take to Art Sunday next month. I'm looking forward to it, but I hope it cools down a lot by then! I do have new jewelry at Talk of the Town in Scottsboro and will have new jewelry at Art Sunday too. Come see me there!!