Sunday, May 30, 2010

CJ's new sleeping spot

CJ's chair Have you ever noticed that nearly every picture I have of CJ is in this ol' white wicker chair? He LOVES to sleep there. For a while he slept in a kennel on the front porch. I set it out there after I brought it out of the house and he decided to sleep in it. I felt bad to take it away....I needed it for another cat, so after I took it off the porch, he moved back to the same wicker chair again! But for some reason, he decided to move to the bird bath now. That chair has been "his spot" for so long, it seems strange to see him there! I'm sure he'll be back to the chair before long, but for now he sure looks pretty in the bird bath!

CJs New spot

I am working on listing some vintage patterns today--some old sewing patterns, craft patterns, doll patterns, etc. Click here to see them....really good prices on them! Its hard for me to let some of these go, but I have to be honest with myself. I will probably never get around to using them. I don't won't to end up being on that show, Hoarders!! Oh, I DID get rid of something big today. I bought a set of french doors over 10 years ago. Well, I thought they were a set, but when we got them out, they didn't even match. Someone came to look and thought they were too much work. So I GAVE them away. I was pretty proud of myself, but I do like to see things be recycled and used instead of being thrown away. Maybe this will inspire me to clean out more. I've been using Craigslist to give away and sell stuff. My husband installs carpet and takes up lots that is in good shape, so I've been putting it on Craigslist when he puts it at the road. Someone is out there right now getting some carpet! I'm trying my best to "go green"!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star....

Jackson & Pooh My nephew, Jack, is learning to sing! I was shocked when I went to visit him and he was walking around singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. It is the cutest thing!

I've been busy listing some supplies on my site. Click here to see all the new stuff. I have some really cool old quilts. Its really hard for me to part with them....I got out 4 to photograph and only decided to keep one, so I thought that wasn't too bad! I also found some old octagon soap coupons that I'm working on listing now. There's no telling what else I might find while I'm trying to clean out my studio! It is packed and I need room to work on I'll be listing more soon, I hope.

The new little kitty is keeping me busy...she is definitely happy and healthy. She plays constantly, rarely sits still more than 30 seconds when I'm in the room. I'm glad she's happy, Kitten5but I would like for her to stop and sit in my lap for a while! I am thinking of naming her Hadley....any opinions? Does she look like a Hadley?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How is your garden??

Dill I didn't plant a big garden this year, but I did have to plant some tomatoes! I ordered some of those upside down planters for some tomatoes. (Here's Dill standing on the compost bin to check them out...) I got some that have water reservoirs in the top and both the plants are huge and have lots of green tomatoes on them. I planted 2 in those planters, 1 in the ground and 2 cherry tomato plants in a whiskey barrel planter. (one red, one yellow) I bought some cucumbers and squash to plant today and that's about the extent of my vegetables this year. But I have planted lots of bushes, flowers and FINALLY got a crape myrtle planted! We're planning to plant some trees at the edge of the yard in my studio for privacy. I want to concentrate on remodeling my studio, but it is so tempting to work in the yard in this weather!!

The new little kitty went to the vet yesterday and got a clean bill of health. I kept her separated from the other kitties just to be on the safe side. So they got to meet her yesterday and they were not happy about it. Pumpkin is pretty mad at me and doesn't even want me to pick him up. I hope he's over it soon!! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Been a long time...

Kitten2 ...since I posted! I was busy with my show and then taking care of cats!! Had a good time at the show in Dunwoody, GA and met lots of nice people.

The day before yesterday, I saw a little tiny kitten across the road. My neighbor & I tried to catch it until it started to rain & lightning. The next day (yesterday) it was on another neighbor's tire and I finally was able to catch her. Now I just need to find her a home! She's really sweet & fun and likes to snuggle! I'll have a hard time parting with her, but maybe she'll find a good home soon.

Yoda I've had 2 cats that were shot recently....I think I wrote about Luke having a pellet removed from his leg. Another black kitty came up and had been shot with a BB. I took him to have that removed and get him neutered. He stayed a few days before his surgery because he had a fever. We named him Yoda because he's got huge ears that stick out to the side. Sounds funny, but its really cute! He has a new home with my cousin. I dropped him off last weekend and he seemed happy I guess he loves the kids--I miss him sititng in my lap every morning but happy he has a home where he'll get lots of attention.

Rusty had to have FOUR teeth pulled last week, so I've been dealing with that too, plus a couple of sick strays that I trying to sneak antibiotics to. I have lots of new stuff left from my show that I'll either list on my website or take to Talk of the Town. (Or both!)