Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Someone is trying to steal my pop tarts!

Rusty2 Rusty is on a special diet--he only gets limited ingredient canned food because of his allergies. (Maybe he'll lose some weight as a bonus!) I tried to eat a pop tart at my studio and that was a mistake. He tried to steal it! I feel bad for him--I know how hard it is to diet. And I'd rather have something better than a pop tart for breakfast (egg mcmuffin, biscuit and gravy, sausage biscuit.....) so I can sympathize with him. Guess I'll have to stay home to eat from now on . Its just too tempting for him!!! I've been working on some new jewelry for my next show. I'll be in Dunwoody in may for the Dunwoody Art Festival! I'll have 2 booths--one with my jewelry and one with my dolls/artwork. Please come out and visit me if you can!! (Helena...I'm gonna be looking for you!!!!) 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ready for springtime!

Pond May 2008 I am so ready for spring to be here! Right after Christmas every year, I start planning what I want to plant in the spring....today it's supposed to be close to 70 degrees, so now I'm REALLY wishing for spring!! This is a picture of our pond we started in 2008. The plants have really filled out and we've added more, so I can't wait to see what it looks like this summer. We even had a turtle show up last year. ;)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Up to no good?

Up to no good! I spied CJ out my window one day--looks like he was up to no good! I'm sure he was watching some little birdies, but I have never seen him climb a tree, so I think they're safe. Why are the biggest kitties always the ones that are the "fraidy cats"????

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New artwork...and stuff

Canisters I took some new stuff to Talk of the Town last week--took these painted canisters. Well, the 2 on th eleft. The one on the right is MIA, but I'm taking it when (and if) I can find it! Also took soe dolls, jewelry and a painted Grandfather clock! Go check it out if you get a chance and let me know what you think about everything.....

Pumpkin on a pumpkin I just found out yesterday that one of my projects is going to be on the cover of Creat & Decorate for the April 2010 issue! I'll  remind you when it comes out....I was pretty excited to find that out!

I was going through my pics and found this funny picture of Pumpkin on a pumpkin!! That's a huge pumpkin my Daddy grew. I brought it inside for a few days and Pumpkin used it as his new stool! 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Frasier I can't believe I'm having to write this so soon after losing another kitty, but we had to have Frasier put to sleep on Thursday morning. He was having trouble breathing and his heart was enlarged. They tried treating him overnight but he didn't improve at all, he was actually worse when we went back Thursday morning. I surely will miss seeing him everyday and was looking forward to having him helping me in the yard and garden this summer. We only had him for a short time (about 2 years), but I am still glad we were able to rescue him from being put to sleep in the pound and that he was able to live out the rest of his life running around with other cats. I think he was happy and that makes me happy. He will certainly be missed by me and I'm sure his buddy, Little Bit is missing him too. When she first came, he was the one who took her under his wing and she was his little shadow. My front porch looks empty when I go out to feed them in the mornings--without Elvis and Fasier, it just doesn't look right.