Sunday, November 29, 2009

Meet Owen!

Owen 2 This is Owen...he's been hanging around my house for a while and I've been dying to pet him. You can see why--he's so pretty! I assume he and the other tabby here (Luke) are littermates because they showed up at the same time, are about the same size, etc. Luke let me pet him a while ago, but Owen has been really scared. Lately he's been coming to eat with the other kitties every night and he  sleeps in the front yard now. He finally decided I could pet him, after he gave me a good swat to keep me in line! He's still scared, but doesn't he look like a big teddy bear? Like you could pick him up and snuggle with him? Maybe one day....maybe after visit with the vet coming up soon..... ;)

Owen 3 Hope y'all all had a good Thanksgiving! I ate too much. Besides that, it was a good one. We ate at Momma & Daddy's house and had way too much food. But I like to eat cold leftovers the next day (and the next, and the next....) We took a lemon pie to my husband's parents' and ate some of that with them. Of course I  wasn't hungry, but I ate a piece anyway! We stayed there late--it was fun to catch up and not be in a hurry!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Scenes from Scottsboro

Sunset Here are some pics I took a few weeks ago while I was driving home. The sunset was so pretty--I love this time of day! The first one was taken in Powell, the other two are in Scottsboro, right before you cross the B.B. Comer bridge. I love the views here--I try to keep my camera with me to take pics while I'm out. You never know what you might see!!!

ScottsboroScottsboro 2

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's my day to babysit....

Jackson 09 I always look forward to Mondays--that's the day I babysit my nephew, Jackson. Last week we went to K-mart and looked at Christmas decorations and he thought it was a Christmas Wonderland! lol! We had to listen to every dancing Santa and check out every aisle about 3 times while he yelled "ho, ho! ho ho!" Then when we left, he cried and kept saying, "ho, ho....ho, so". I promised him he'd be seeing lots more Christmas decorations soon. I put my trees up Sunday, so he can come over and see those. I left Sookie in the room for about 30 seconds and when I came back, she already had an ornament down and was running off with it. And Pumpkin still can't leave it alone, so they can't go in the rooms with trees unless I'm there to supervise!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Recycle!I'm always trying to find new uses for old stuff around here...that's why I had to laugh when I saw Little Bit sleeping inside this old flour bin! I guess she's doing the same thing we are....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Trip to Kentucky

  These are some pics from a recent road trip to husband bought a bunch of old post office boxes (really cool!) so I rode with him to pick  them up. We had a blow out on the way, but it was still a fun trip. Standing on the interstate to change the tire wasn't so good, but besides that it was fun...enjoy the pics!

Kentucky1 Kentucky3Kentucky2 Kentucky4 Kentucky5