Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bad Blogger!

Gulfshores_066bI have been a bad blogger....how long has it been? With so many things going on, it is hard to remember sometimes! So a lot has been going on....We just got back from the beach last week. I went with Momma, 2 sister, my niece & 2 nephews. It was a lot of fun! We spent a lot of time on the beach, shopping/browsing at souvenir shops, and of course eating. We ate at Lamberts (www.throwedrolls.com). I had never been and never had rolls thrown at me before either! Its a fun atmosphere and the food is so good....the best fried taters ever!

As my sister & I were walking across the beach, I thought I saw a feather or piece of fuzz blowing across the beach. I decided to get a closer look and it was this tiny crab. How cute is that? Gulfshores_185

Soon I am hoping to have a bigger studio and maybe even start giving some art lessons! I should know in a couple of weeks for sure....I can't wait, but trying not to think too much about it until its a "done deal"!!  And we are about to start on remodeling our house again.....this time the living room and kitchen. I will be SO happy when I have a brand new kitchen! This house was built in 1930 and probably not remodeled since the 70's. It has light blue sheet rock walls & ceiling. I have started tearing that  down and there is bead board I will keep. There is an old chimney. It was covered with sheet rock, but one of the first things I did was uncover that....one of my favorite things about the kitchen!! When we moved there was nothing but a refrigerator, ugly metal cabinet with the sink and 2 tiny cabinets hanging on the wall. (One was in the corner!) So I have removed most of the sheetrock and painted the beadboard, put in dishwasher (but it has to be replaced now) and moved in some old cabinets, including a hoosier type cabinet. Right now it is just piece together....can't wait to have a real set of cabinets! A refrigerator with an ICE MAKER and new floors! Oh...and a door going out of the kitchen to the outside! So far we have remodeled a bedroom that we are using as a living room for now, bathroom, laundry and walk in closet. The best thing about finishing the living room & kitchen is the next thing will be a new roof and vinyl siding!

Have you looked at the current issue of Create & Decorate magazine? I have a star make-do pattern in there. Then it will be a while before I have another project in there. I haven't submitted things in a while until recently, so I will miss out on several issues! I do have some projects coming up in magazines/websites but I don't want to say what they are until they are published.....so keep checking back and I'll post the news when they're published!